How to Make a Wireless Camera Jammer in less than 10 minutes

Beware! Hidden cameras in Hotel Rooms. Protect your privacy and stay safe while traveling. This article will guide you to make your own wireless camera jammer within $3 in less than 10 minutes.

Raju H
7 min readAug 21, 2023
How to Make a Wireless Camera Jammer

Wireless cameras transmit video and audio signals via radio waves to a receiver or a monitor. They are often used for security, surveillance, or entertainment purposes. However, wireless cameras can threaten privacy and security if malicious actors or unauthorized parties use them. For example, someone might install a hidden wireless camera in your home, office, or hotel room and spy on your activities without your consent.

Understanding the Need for a Wireless Camera Jammer

One way to protect yourself from wireless camera intrusion is to use a wireless camera jammer. A wireless camera jammer is a device that emits radio signals at the same frequency as the wireless camera, creating interference and blocking the transmission of the camera signals. A wireless camera jammer can effectively turn off any wireless camera within its range, preventing anyone from viewing or recording your activities.

Types of wireless camera jammers are available on the market.

Different types of wireless camera jammers are available on the market, such as WiFi jammers, cell phone jammers, GPS jammers, etc. However, these jammers are often expensive or illegal in some countries. Therefore, make your wireless camera jammer.

Step-by-Step Guide to make a Bluetooth jamming device

To make a wireless camera jammer, you will need the following components:

  • A Bluetooth device (such as a smartphone, tablet, laptop, speaker, etc.)
  • Type B charger cable
  • ESP8266 circuit
  • Power Bank (Optional: to power the circuit )

Before starting the process, you need to follow these tips:

  • Ensure your Power Bank has enough battery or is connected to a power source.
  • Ensure your ESP8266 circuit is not paired with any device that might interfere with the jamming signal.
  • Make sure that you are within the effective range of your jammer. The effective range depends on signal strength, duration, signal interval, antenna size, etc.
  • Ensure you do not jam any other devices or services that use the 2.4 GHz frequency band, such as WiFi routers, cordless phones, microwave ovens, etc.
  • Ensure you do not violate any laws or regulations regarding radio communication or signal jamming in your country or region.

Here are the steps to make a wireless camera jammer are as follows:

Step-by-Step Guide:

Download the latest Arduino IDE from the Arduino website.

How to download Arduino IDE

Double-click the Arduino IDE icon from your desktop to open.

Oh! Don’t forget to click install while you’re installing.

Then Click File > Preferences.

Now Copy and Paste this URL Additional Boards Manager URLs and click OK.

Now Go to

Tools > Board > Boards Manager

Now Type esp8266 in the Search box

Select version 2.0.0 and click on Install (it must be version 2.0.0)

Now Close this window and click on the

File > Preferences

Click here to open the folder path under More Preferences can be edited directly in the file, and this window will open.

Now Close close the Preferences window and Arduino IDE before making any changes.

Note: This is very important.

Now follow this path and the folder.

packages > esp8266 > hardware > esp8266 > 2.0.0 > tools > sdk > include

And find the user_interface.h file

Now open user_interface.h file with your favourite text editor or just Wordpad.

Now Scroll down at the end of the file and find #endif.

Then copy and paste this code into the file.

typedef void (**freedom_outside_cb__t)(uint8 status);
int wifi_register_send_pkt_freedom_cb(freedom_outside_cb_t cb); void wifi_unregister_send_pkt_freedom__cb(void); int wifi_send_pkt_freedom(uint8 **buf, int len, bool sys_seq);

You’re done, now don’t forget to save the file.

Now Download project files from this link (Credit goes to the original creator spacehuhn)

And unzip the file and open the WIFIJamer folder, and follow this path Wifi Jammer > esp8266_deauther, and double-click esp8266_deauther.ino to open this file.

Now click Tools > Board to select your ESP8266 board. I’m using NodeMCU 0.9, but you can try NodeMCU 1.0 or Generic ESP8266 Module.

Again click on Tools > Programmer > ArduinoISP.

That’s it. Everything is done. Now we are ready to upload the code.

Connect the ESP8266 circuit to the laptop with the type-B cable to upload the code.

Now click on this upload button on your Arduino IDE.

After uploading the code to our ESP8266 circuit, this message will be at the bottom of the Arduino IDE.

If you face any issues, you try changing the board model from Tools > Board. You can try NodeMCU 1.0 or Generic ESP8266 Module.

Don’t forget to change If no port shows up, you may need to reinstall the drivers. Select the right port no at Tools > Port.

If the code is successfully uploaded, please remove the ESP8266 circuit from the cable and reconnect it again to provide power.

You might notice this while at the beginning of your code. This is the username and password of your Jammer. You can change the username or password of your choice before uploading this code into the circuit.

Time to Jam some network

First, power up the ESP8266 circuit.

To use this circuit, you need to connect a device (such as a smartphone or laptop or tablet/iPad)

Step 1:

Open up wifi from settings and Scan for the WiFi network name “AndroidAP” from your Mobile, PC, or MAC and connect to AndroidAP. And the default password is “killwifi”. You can change this SSID and Password from the code you uploaded.

Step 2:

Open any browser on your device and type:

Everything is ready now. You can scan for networks you want to jam. Press the Scan button to scan all networks.

Note: While scanning for wifi networks, the ESP8266 might shut down its access point, so you may have to go to your settings and reconnect to the WiFi network manually.

Step 3:

Click on the attack button, select the network or device you want o jam and press the start button.

Here is the complete video tutorial on how to use it:


A wireless camera jammer using Bluetooth technology is a simple and cheap way to protect yourself from wireless camera intrusion. However, you need to be careful and responsible when using a wireless camera jammer using Bluetooth technology, as it might affect other devices or services that use the same frequency band or be illegal or harmful in some situations. Therefore, you should only use a wireless camera jammer using Bluetooth technology for informational purposes and not for illegal or harmful activities.



Raju H
Raju H

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